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Time: 上午9:30 -下午12:30

Organization: UA皮马县合作推广
Description: A large stinknet population has been spotted on Alamo Avenue in Central Tucson (near intersection of Pima/Wilmot). The time is now to get rid of this pesky invasive before it spreads further in the neighborhood.
会议地点: Parking lot on northeast corner of Alamo Avenue and Lee Street. 格雷斯南部的国家.
活动地点: Lat: 32.241845 Long: -110.862066
工具提供: Yes
Bring: Water

Time: 上午9:30 -下午12:30

Organization: UA皮马县合作推广
Description: A large stinknet population has been spotted on Alamo Avenue in Central Tucson (near intersection of Pima/Wilmot). The time is now to get rid of this pesky invasive before it spreads further in the neighborhood.
会议地点: Parking lot on northeast corner of Alamo Avenue and Lee Street. 格雷斯南部的国家.
活动地点: Lat: 32.241845 Long: -110.862066
工具提供: Yes
Bring: Water

Time: 8 am - 12 pm

Organization:卡塔利娜州立公园Buffel slayer
Description: Come out to 卡塔利娜州立公园 and see the amazing wildflowers that the winter rains have likely nurtured for us. 免费进入公园! This buffelgrass dig replaces our regular March 2nd and April 6th events and will be the last of our spring season. We have one more baby saguaro to raffle off and we still have plenty of stickers. If you have been stalwart and have joined us for 5 digs, 2022世界杯下注有一件五颜六色的Buffel Slayer衬衫等着你.
会议地点: Meet at the Equestrian Center within 卡塔利娜州立公园. Turn left after the big wash crossing and head to the end of the road, past the camping loops. Park on the left and meet us at the picnic tables at the trailhead for the 50 Year Trail.
活动地点: 11570 N. Oracle Rd.,奥罗谷,AZ, 85737
Volunteers: 30人注册,总容量为30人
工具提供: Pick-mattocks, hand picks, digging bars, work gloves, kneeling matts
Bring: 2 liters of water, snacks, sunscreen, sun hat, your own work gloves, if preferred
Wear: Long pants, long-sleeved sun shirt, sturdy hiking boots or shoes, hat
额外的信息: We will walk 20 minutes up the 50 year Trail and dig along a small wash and a nearby slope. This is a re-dig of the area, so many of the plants are smaller. 挖掘应该相对容易. 有关2022世界杯下注过去活动的照片,请世界杯app软件推荐http://www.facebook.com/buffelslayers 如果你是未成年人,给我发电子邮件申请青少年豁免.

Time: 上午8时至11时

Organization:皮马县自然资源,公园 & Recreation
Description: Join us for a beautiful morning of removing buffelgrass and African lovegrass (also known as "tickgrass") from 巨洞山公园! 准备好徒步前往2022世界杯下注的工作区域. 结束后2022世界杯下注会提供点心和饮料.
会议地点: We'll meet in the main parking lot by the visitor center at 巨洞山公园.
活动地点: 16721 E Old Spanish Trail, Vail, AZ 85641
Wear: hiking boots or sturdy shoes, long pants, sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeves)

Time: 8:30am-11:30am

Description:臭网是最近推出的, invasive plant that has taken over Phoenix in a very short time, 扼杀了其他植物,助长了野火. A large stinknet population has been spotted on Alamo Avenue in Central Tucson (near intersection of Pima/Wilmot). The time is now to get rid of this pesky invasive before it spreads further in the neighborhood.
会议地点: Parking lot on northeast corner of Alamo Avenue and Lee Street. 格雷斯南部的国家.
活动地点: Lat: 32.241845 Long: -110.862066
Bring: Some drinking water, a 5 gal bucket (if you have one already), a face mask
Wear: Comfortable gardening clothes, sturdy covered shoes and a hat
额外的信息: We do not require use of a face mask but many people find that a surgical or cloth mask is useful as close contact with a dense patch of stinknet can make your eyes water (and it smells bad!).

Time: 7:30 - 11:30

Description: Join our community effort to restore Tanque Verde Creek! 2022世界杯下注邀请所有年龄段的人, 不同的民族和种族背景, beliefs, and many other diverse communities to participate in restoring our heritage of seasonal and year-round water flows. Come work with WMG staff and other River Run Network volunteers in a beautiful riparian area to remove this invasive species and contribute to the restoration of surface flows and the riparian forest. We are working around an area that has recently seen a return of extended, seasonal flows! WMG’s River Run Network is excited to tackle the removal of an invasive species, 大芦苇, 在图森东部的Tanque Verde Creek附近. Arundo is harmful because it drinks up to 3-4 times as much water as native desert plants, 挤占了本地物种和栖息地, 也增加了洪水和野火的风险. 通过在研讨会上除掉阿伦多, you’ll be helping to restore groundwater levels and surface flow in the Tanque Verde Creek.
会议地点请提前15分钟到达办理登机手续. We will be carpooling to the restoration work area shortly after a few introductions and we do not want anyone to get lost.
活动地点: 美国亚利桑那州图森市49大道12050号
Volunteers: 0注册,总容量为20
Bring给自己准备些零食和水, 如果你想自己带手套的话, 你也可以这么做.
Wear: Close-toed shoes, Long pants, Long sleeved shirt, Hat, sunscreen and sunglasses
额外的信息:该活动将在室外进行,包括崎岖的地形. 你将在沙滩上行走和工作, rocky, 潮湿的土壤,你会弄湿你的脚, and navigating through riparian environments as well as using tools and moving heavy arundo stalks. Please be aware that bathroom facilities are not available as we are working in a remote location.

Time: 早上7点到11点

Description: Join us for a beautiful morning in 图森山公园! 准备好徒步前往2022世界杯下注的工作区域. 结束后2022世界杯下注会提供点心和饮料.
会议地点: Details on specific meeting location within the park will be sent by email 2-3 days ahead of time. Text or call Ellie if you need meeting location details.
活动地点: 图森山公园,
Volunteers: 30个总容量中有3个注册
Wear: hiking boots or sturdy shoes, long pants, sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeves)

Time: 早上7点到11点

Description: Join us for a beautiful morning in 图森山公园! 准备好徒步前往2022世界杯下注的工作区域. 结束后2022世界杯下注会提供点心和饮料.
会议地点: Details on specific meeting location within the park will be sent by email 2-3 days ahead of time. Text or call Ellie if you need meeting location details.
活动地点: 图森山公园,
Volunteers: 35个总容量中有2个注册
Wear: hiking boots or sturdy shoes, long pants, sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeves)

Time: 早上7点到11点

Description: Join us for a beautiful morning in 图森山公园! 准备好徒步前往2022世界杯下注的工作区域. 结束后2022世界杯下注会提供点心和饮料.
会议地点: Details on specific meeting location within the park will be sent by email 2-3 days ahead of time. Text or call Ellie if you need meeting location details.
活动地点: 图森山公园,
Volunteers: 0注册,总容量为30
Wear: hiking boots or sturdy shoes, long pants, sun protection (hat, sunglasses, long sleeves)

Time: 8:00 to 12:30

Description: The hike will be short (no more than 3-4 miles round trip), but off-trail and across rough terrain. 最后四分之一英里非常陡峭. 工地在一个陡坡上. Take as many breaks as you like to sit and enjoy the grand view in a portion of the Tucson Mountains that's usually inaccessible to the public.
会议地点: Please contact the organizer for the exact location and more information: fjstaub@hotmail.com 520-260-1400. The meeting place is in Picture Rocks at the end of 2 miles of dirt road. 虽然道路很崎岖,但不需要四轮驱动.
活动地点: Lat: 32.343421 Long: 111.163835
Volunteers: 0注册,总容量为30
工具提供: National Park personnel will come with us and provide instructions, gloves, and tools
Bring: Two litters of liquid, protection from the sun (hat and sunscreen).
Wear坚固的鞋子,适合远足和工作. Long sleeves and long pants are a good idea to protect from scratches.
额外的信息: Not only will you spend time in one of the prettiest desert landscapes on earth, 你可能会为你的院子赢得一棵仙人掌. Pima County has provided a saguaro in a one-gallon container to be raffled off. To see pictures of buffelgrass and where we will be working: http://www.frankstaub.com/Folders/Buffelgrass-A-Horrible-Invasive
